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Why does the UK have highest Covid case rate in western Europe?

Coronavirus deaths have fallen in the region’s ‘Covid capital’ – but Britain may be facing tough winter

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Stephen Port: Murdered man’s friend told police who killed him

Stephen Port was jailed after he raped and murdered four men using fatal overdoses of the drug GHB.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Rolling Stones drop Brown Sugar from US tour set list

It follows unease with the depictions of black women and references to slavery in the hit song.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Energy prices: EU unveils plan to ease Europe’s gas crisis

The approval of tax cuts and a plan to buy fuel collectively were put forward as energy prices soar.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Female police officers say misogyny remains unchecked

Police women told BBC Newsnight that misogyny continues to shape work culture in the Met.

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