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Covid in Wales: Businesses likely to stay open over winter

Wales remains at alert level zero with no changes likely in the next three weeks, first minister says.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

COP26: Pope will not travel to Glasgow for climate summit

The Vatican confirms that Pope Francis will not attend the UN climate conference in Scotland.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Farmer’s emotional plea to PM to ‘save our bacon’

“Come and speak to me, Boris Johnson, have the guts to stand up”, Kate Morgan says.

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Legal action over alleged Uber facial verification bias

Two unions allege the system used to check drivers’ identity works less well for darker skin tones.

#latestnews #recentreports #report #uk #ukgossip #ukreport #unitedkingdom Reports UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

What causes flooding?

Government hopes £5.2bn flood defence plan and lower emissions can protect UK homes and businesses

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