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Too few children? China’s ‘population crisis’ explained

There were just 12 million births last year, down from 14.65 million in 2019

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What’s left to be decided on the final day of the Premier League season?

Qualification for the Champions League, Europa League and Europa Conference will be decided on the final day of the Premier League season.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Diana interview: Whistleblower wants apology from BBC bosses

Martin Wiessler accuses the BBC of “arrogance” over the deceit surrounding the 1995 Panorama interview.

#uk #uktech #uktechnology #uktechs #uktechy #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Robot scales stairs without ‘seeing’ and other news

LJ Rich looks at some of the best technology news stories of the week.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Spain to lift restrictions for UK and Japanese travellers

Its government says that from Monday it will not require UK tourists to have a Covid PCR test.

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