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The midwives braving armed gangs in Colombia

A group of Afro-Colombian women use their skills to help women give birth in areas run by gangs.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Why this teen set up a prize-winning fake cosmetics shop

Polish teenager Krystyna Paszko’s idea won an EU prize – she tells the BBC the story behind it.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Coronavirus doctor’s diary: Study shows one-in-three children have rarely been leaving the house

Only a third of children in Bradford had sufficient exercise during the first lockdown, a study shows.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Covid: How many people get self-isolation payments?

Figures for England and Wales suggest two-thirds of people who ask for self-isolation payments get rejected.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Yemen: The nine-year-old war-zone school teacher

Ahmed, blind since birth, stands in for teachers who don’t make it in to their ruined school in Yemen.

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