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School meals: The mum trying to feed her children through half-term week

A mum-of-two explains what life is really like when you rely on free school meals.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Covid in Scotland: Toughest restrictions considered for Lanarkshire

Councils are told that North and South Lanarkshire are being considered for Level 4 restrictions.

#uk #uktech #uktechnology #uktechs #uktechy #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Pakistan’s PM asks Facebook to ban Islamophobic content

It comes a day after Imran Khan accused French President Emmanuel Macron of “attacking Islam”.

#uk #uktech #uktechnology #uktechs #uktechy #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

Facebook, Google and Microsoft ‘avoiding $3bn in tax in poorer nations’

Facebook, Google and Microsoft should pay a global minimum rate of corporate tax, an aid charity says.

#uklive #uknews #ukreports #ukstory #uktalk #unitedkingdom UK Blog News Service in the United Kingdom

The Countdown: Amy Coney Barrett v Hillary Clinton, and Lil Pump

A quick look at the latest US election drama as Amy Coney Barrett v Hillary Clinton memes emerge.

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